
21 ON NET  VOA Words & Phrases

No.8 Le 35  音

Hi. This is Nancy Beardsley and Ray McDonald. These are the words and phrases from the English USA worksheet for Lesson 35.

First, these nouns:  ( これらの名詞 )
batter   バッター

seat   座席(ざせき)

Here are some verbs:  ( いくつかの動詞 )

arrive   到着(とうちゃく)する、着(つ)く

leave   去(さ)る、出発(しゅっぱつ)する

Next, some phrases:  ( いくつかの句 )
Here you are.

May I help you?

How many?

Finally, some notes about time:  ( 時についての注意点 )

The easiest way to state exact time according to a clock or watch is to use numbers only.
  ( 時計を見て正確に時間をのべる方法 )
For example: ( たとえば )
9:15 (= nine-fifteen)

12:30 (= twelve-thirty)

2:24 (= two twenty-four)

7:51 (= seven fifty-one)

8:05 (= eight oh-five)

10:10 (= ten-ten)

  In other words, give the number before the colon and then give the number after the colon. There are other ways to give the time, but this is the easiest and all English speakers will understand it.  ( つまり、コロンの前と後ろに 時 分 の数字をのべる )