0106 案内巨人・ Where is the park?

0106 案内・巨人

Where is the post office ?
This is the post office.

Where is the elementary school ?
This is the elementary school.

Where is the fruit shop ?
This is the fruit shop.

Where is the cake shop ?
This is the cake shop.

Where is the park ?
This is the park.

Where is the florist ?
This is the florist.

Where is the bookstore ?
This is the bookstore.

Where is the bakery ?
This is the bakery.

Where is the hospital ?
This is the hospital.

Where is the super market ?
This is the super market.

Where is the drugstore ?
This is the drugstore.

Where is the butcher ?
This is the butcher.

Where is the temple ?
This is the temple.

Where is the station ?
This is the station.

Words & Phrases

  elementary        初歩の、基本の

  fruit        くだもの

  florist        花屋さん

  drugstore     ※ ―store  薬局

  butcher        肉屋さん

  temple        お寺