※ 例文において、不定冠詞 a の有無は、引用元の編集方針です。必要な場合は補います。 001 expire   ・expire carbon dioxide  ・― peacefully  ・expired card dispatch   ・dispatch Self-Defense Forces  ・― a hasty meal  ・― a letter immerse   ・immerse oneself in a hot bath  ・― oneself in study coherent   ・coherent answer  ・― policy  ・― story distinctively   ・distinctively colored dress 002 impartial   ・impartial attitude  ・an ― judge pretension   ・have pretensions to the throne  ・without ―  ・I have no pretensions referral   ・Her referrals from other physicians made her entirely busy.  ・― fee 003 redundancy   ・redundancy of resources  ・― payment hostage   ・The guerrillas took the ambassador hostage.  ・a person in ― wilderness  ・In remote ―es of space groups of nebulae are found.  those moral ―es of civilized life sublime   ・sublime beauty  ・― self-sacrifice  ・a ― dinner  ・― stupidity 004 obsolete   ・obsolete customs  ・an ― battleship  ・Automation has obsoleted many factory workers. merge   ・merge by an exchange of shares  ・This stream merges into the river up ahead. conceal   ・He concealed the gun under his coat.  ・― one's identity by using a false name stagger   ・stagger back  ・― along [about, around]  ・He ―ed in his argument for a while. falsify   ・falsify income-tax reports  ・― a passport  ・― a theory furnish   ・furnish a house with furniture  ・― sufficient evidence dismal   ・dismal weather  ・― news  ・a ― performance immense   ・an immense sum of money  ・― variety  ・an ― guy recede  ・the receding tide  ・The waves ―ed from the shore.  ・Hopes of victory is ―ing fast. 005 insensitive   ・insensitive person  ・― to light, be evolve   ・evolve a new theory  ・― into a full-scale conflict  ・― into a recession provoke   ・Don't allow yourself to be provoked.  ・― an international crisis aggravate   ・aggravate an illness  ・― a grievance  ・His questions ― her. rub in   ・rub in liniment  ・rub in that ・・・ seize up   ・Just as I pulled onto the freeway, my engine seized up. 006 plot   ・be privy to a plot  ・build the ― of a novel  ・a garden ― hold back   ・Don't hold back.  Don't hold back anything. inhale   ・inhale the polluted air  ・― three meals at once  ・ graze   ・graze cattle  ・― livestock  ・― the clothing 007 whereas   ・Some people like coffee, whereas others like tea. induce   ・― a chemical change  ・That medicine will ― sleep.  ・― a person to give up smoking submerge   ・The river overflowed and submerged the town.  ・He is submerged in debt. maritime   ・maritime climate  ・― insurance  ・a ― city  ・― clothing 008 hull ※ 外皮、殻、さや、へた、果皮、覆い、船体  外皮を取り除く、〜のへたを取る hollow   ・a hollow sphere  ・a ― surface  ・a hollow victory  ・― compliments displace   ・displace a bone  ・― furniture  ・― someone from his post 009 vulnerable   ・vulnerable age  ・a ― part of the body  ・a ― spot erosion   ・erosion control forest  ・― in value  ・beach ― dismiss   ・dismiss a Cabinet minister  ・― a council  ・― claims obstacle   ・obstacle race  ・encounter(meet with) obstacles  ・― to progress 010 consequence   ・by natural consequences  ・His behavior will have bad consequences. consistency   ・There is consistency in his pattern of behavior.  ・right ― 011 statistics   ・statistics compiled from 〜  ・― of foreign trade  ・― of population transmit   ・transmit a disease to others  ・― a message to 〜  ・― electricity validity   ・validity period  ・This conclusion is of doubtful ―. seizure   ・seizure note  ・― of assets  ・― of property valid   ・valid certificate  ・be ― any time  ・a ― reason  ・a ― contract 012 contagious   ・contagious disease  ・ ― livestock sickness custody   ・in the custody of her father  ・in ―  ・He was taken into ―. congestion   ・severe traffic congestion  ・mental ―  ・ ― of population revise   ・revise a book  ・― a judgement  ・― a plan of 〜 deem   ・deem highly of 〜  ・― reproductive cloning unsafe deem   ・He did not deem lightly of the issue.  ・I ― him (to be) a fool. facilitate   ・facilitate achievement of consensus  ・ ― economic recovery 013 irritate   ・irritate the skin  ・be irritated at 〜  ・be irritated by traffic jams troop  ・a troop of monkeys  ・Mounted troops quelled the riot.  ・The children dispersed in troops. frustrate   ・They were frustrated in their aspirations.  ・He was frustrated by his opponents. mobilize   ・mobilize demonstrators  ・― every possible means revenue   ・revenue and expenditure  ・― budget  ・― crunch  ・― department 014 retreat   ・retreat a step  ・― behind walls  ・― from stress alienate   ・alienate allies and friends  ・― sympathizers sterile   ・sterile gauze  ・― discussion  ・― marriage humble   ・humble cottage  ・― ancestry  ・― attitude  ・― one's rival retreat   ・retreat from the front  ・― from stress  ・― into the country deliberate   ・deliberate a bill to ―  ・― a long time  ・― damage trespass   ・trespass into Japanese waters  ・make a ― on a person's time  ・No Trespassing. 015 ★★★★★★★ ・・・・・・