21 ON NET Words & Phrases

TOEIC 連語-2・350語 R.Memorer・163-164   ◆英・163   ◆日・163     ○英・164   ○日・164   ★Exel  ★Exel・順

 share price    
 at a standstill, be  
 take by surprise  
 compensate for 〜  
 insurance policy    
 on the same page, be  ×
 succeed to 〜  
 develop a reputation    
 government contract    
 combine with 〜  

 burglar alarm    
 classified ad  classify
 venture capital    
 Business Development    
 unemployment benefit    
 come as a surprise  
 economic climate    
 invest in 〜  
 bill of lading  
 trade agreement    

 in transit  
 series of 〜, a  
 mutual friend  
 loan shark    
 cargo handling    
 holding company  ×
 incompatible with 〜  
 down payment  
 foreign currency    
 account executive    

 traffic congestion    
 pay heed to 〜  
 assure of 〜  
 assured of 〜, be  ×
 shopping cart  ×
 contrary to 〜  
 give way to 〜  ×
 letter of credit  
 fringe benefit    
 out of one's element