21 ON NET Words & Phrases

TOEIC 連語-2・350語 R.Memorer・161-162   ◆英・161   ◆日・161     ○英・162   ○日・162   ★Exel  ★Exel・順

 liable for 〜, be  
 core business  
 turn upside down  ×
 entitled to ―, be  entitle
 bend down  ×
 assembly line  
 particular about 〜, be  
 potential customer    
 board of trustees  trustee
 customs forms  ×

 write off  ×
 explore every possible option  
 derive from 〜  
 labor cost    
 image analysis    
 irrelevant to 〜, be  
 construction work  
 search engine  ×
 inclusive of 〜  
 fixed income    

 have much in common  ×
 for repairs  repair
 get permission to ―  
 friendly takeover  
 health insurance  
 up in the air  ×
 to blame for 〜, be  
 liable to ―, be  
 on the loose  
 abide by 〜  

 buckle down  
 surface mail  
 fulfill one's potential    
 financial products    product
 as per 〜  ×
 prescription drug  
 chamber of commerce    
 pay tribute to 〜  
 insurance carrier    
 time deposit