161 relish   ・relish of garlic  ・― the sea wind  ・with keen(great) ―  ・Spices give ― to a dish.        ・He has no relish for obscene jokes.  ・I don't have(hold) much relish for such people. slam   ・slam the door  ・He slammed his books upon the table.  ・He slammed my taste mercilessly.       ・slam a person about the head with a club sleek   ・sleek fowls  ・a sleek sports car  ・sleek salesman  ・sleek hair thither   ・hither and thither  ・the thither shore of the lake threshold  ・the threshold of a valley  ・the ― of a new career  ・Her book was on the ― of publication. valiant   ・a valiant soldier  ・a valiant fight  ・valiant figure of the winner vault   ・the vault of heaven  ・vault across a stream 162 wade   ・wade through the mud  ・― across the river  ・― into the crowd  ・― through a dull book snare   ・fall into a ―  ・The stockbroker snared her into dabbling in stocks. snug   ・snug bar  ・― girl  ・― jacket  ・be snugged in one's bed soar   ・soar up toward the stars  ・A mountain soars high to the blue sky. tiding   ・evil(sad) tidings  ・good(glad) tidings  ・the mournful tidings 163 sojourn   ・his two long sojourns abroad  ・during his ― in Paris solicit   ・― a person to do  ・He solicited aid from the minister. plume   ・the brilliant ― of a peacock  ・She was pluming herself upon her beauty. plump   ・plump melons  ・― as a partridge  ・a ― reward  ・― up the pillows ply   ・― a person with drink  ・― (at) a trade  ・a taxi plying the street conspicuous   ・a conspicuous road sign  ・stand(look) ―  ・a ― necktie 164 pope   ・Pope Paul spite   ・have a spite against a person  ・vent one's ― on 〜 squire   ・squire of dames confound   ・The revolution confounded the people.  ・― means with the end consecutive   ・for five consecutive days  ・with ― numbers  ・He had no ― mind. 165 stead   ・in his stead  ・I felt that I did not stand in good ― with him. torrent   ・rushing torrents  ・The rain poured down in torrents.  ・burst into a ― of tears tract   ・vast tracts of desert land  ・a long ― of time resign   ・resign the presidency of a college  ・― all hope  ・― before the inevitable precipice   ・stand on the brink of a precipice  ・on the ― of war  ・ preface   ・write a preface to a book  ・The meeting was (the) ― to an alliance. mirth   ・He was unable to conceal his mirth.  ・the excitement and ― of 〜 166 consul   ・consul general contrive  ・― a different style of pump  ・I ―d for him to meet her.  ・― a hijack of the plane converse   ・converse freely  ・friendly ―  ・hold ― with 〜 gnaw   ・a dog gnawing a big bone  ・― a hole through the wall  ・The acid gnawed the iron. hem   ・He faces the problems that hem him about.  ・― a curtain impart   ・impart knowledge  ・Flowers ― a cheerful air to the room. implore   ・They implored him to go.  ・― forgiveness 167 impede   ・impede economic recovery  ・The muddy roads impeded our journey. inaugurate   ・― a new policy  ・― a monument  ・He was ―d into the office of governor. inclination   ・a man of political ―  ・have an ― to corpulence  ・an ― of the head          ・In sports his inclination is tennis. mark off 〜   ・mark off a boundary  ・― the dates on the calendar miscellaneous   ・miscellaneous accessories  ・― cereals  ・― food products prescriptive   ・prescriptive social norm  ・a ― principle in writing a dictionary reverence   ・reverence for old age  ・hold a person in ―  ・offer a low ―  ・his ― send away for 〜   ・send away for a new catalog 168 shove aside   ・He shoved his empty plate aside and picked up his coffee. solemn  ・put on a ― face  ・The words had a ― echo.  ・Every word I told you was the ― truth. stand for 〜   ・― election  ・― minority rights  ・I won't ― insolent behavior from you. stay over   ・It's late. Why don't you ―?  ・We stayed over at Jack and Jill's house. tramp   ・The reporters tramped into the room.  ・He tramped back to his dismal attic room. unfold   ・― the newspaper  ・― the last ballot  ・The plans unfolded themselves. wharf   ・wharf charge  ・― laborer 169 gratify   ・beauty that gratifies the eye  ・gratify one's thirst for knowledge hither   ・Come hither.  ・the hither side of the meadow  ・on the hither side of fifty incur   ・incur a curse  ・incur a danger  ・incur a huge number of debts indignation   ・indignation meeting  ・quiver with ―  ・feel ― with(against) the public preside   ・― at a conference  ・The lawyer presided over the estate.  ・― at the organ pretense   ・a ― of friendship  ・My sleepiness was all ―.  ・live a life full of pretenses procure   ・― a rare antique  ・― evidence  ・― employment revise   ・revise a dictionary  ・― one's opinion  ・― a system trample   ・trample justice  ・― on another's feelings  ・― down all resistance 170 vex   ・His noisy neighbors often vexed him.  ・Lack of money vexes many. vicinity  ・Tokyo and its ―es  ・in close ― to 〜  ・There are no stores in the ― of 〜. treaty   ・treaty banning nuclear weapons  ・a peace ―  ・be in ― with 〜 strenuous   ・strenuous opposition  ・a ― examination  ・a ― intellect strew   ・― seed in a garden bed  ・Sawdust strewed the floor.  ・― rumors among the troops mob  ・He was beaten by the ―.  ・a ― of angry workers  ・He joined the ― when he was a kid. navvy   ・a mere navvy's work  ・work like a navvy blunder  ・commit(make) a grave ―  ・― about(around) in the dark  ・― away thousands of pounds 171 sturdy   ・sturdy furniture  ・― character  ・― weeds rigid   ・sit rigid in a chair  ・a ― support  ・― rules  ・a ― examination 172 fortify   ・fortify a town against attack  ・― cotton with nylon  ・― a diet with vitamins hoarse   ・the hoarse voice of the auctioneer  ・shout oneself ―  ・She's as ― as a frog. inept   ・She is inept at dealing with people.  ・an ― metaphor  ・an ― remark mow   ・mow (down) the hay  ・Machine guns mowed down the enemy. profane   ・a profane treatment of a shrine  ・― music [art, drama, literature] subscribe   ・subscribe one's name to a document  ・― to a charity  ・― the petition 173 hoist   ・hoist a flag  ・Let's go hoist a few beers. lull  ・lull a crying baby to sleep  ・My senses were ―ed by fragrant cigars.  ・― a person into 〜 suffice   ・Another example will suffice for its explanation.  ・This will suffice you. vigor   ・a man of great physical [mental] vigor  ・with ―  ・vim and ― 174 nostril   ※ 鼻孔 proposition  ・the proposition of a plan for a new school  ・a money-making ―  ・a stubborn ― proprietor   ・a proprietor of a hotel  ・copyright proprietors  ・ rip   ・rip a letter into pieces  ・― out pictures out of a book  ・― along wield   ・wield influence over 〜  ・― five languages  ・― a hammer  ・― a baton 175 mule  ※ ラバ、(麻薬・密輸品の)運び屋、つっかけ、スリッパ、頑固者、雑種の動植物 municipal  ・municipal archives  ・― assembly  ・― assemblyman  ・― bylaw  ・― clerk quaint   ・quaint method  ・― old village  ・― language sullen   ・sullen remark  ・― reply  ・― sky  ・be ― about 〜 176 vile   ・vile crime  ・― housing  ・― propaganda  ・― smell woe   ・a tale of woe  ・a face of ―  ・financial woes  ・in weal and ― yarn   ・yarn about one's past  ・― and thread of synthetic fiber  ・a tall ― prose   ・prose literature  ・― poem  ・the ― of existence rustic   ・rustic dialect  ・― bench  ・― life  ・― appearance swamp   ・A big wave swamped the boat.  ・The oceans are being swamped with garbage. tuck   ・tuck a child in bed  ・― away at the back of a wardrobe  ・― box 177 avow   ・avow one's crime  ・― one's errors  ・― one's faith in God bridle   ・bridle one's temper  ・― chain  ・― up with anger  ・― at interference exalt   ・He was exalted to the position of president.  ・Complementary colors ― each other. expedition   ・expedition of exploration  ・― team  ・a shopping ―  ・He worked with great ―. vogue   ・vogue word  ・come into ―  ・bring 〜 into ―  ・Traveling abroad is very much in ―. woeful  ・woeful lack of knowledge  ・a ― situation  ・― melodies  ・a ― collection of paintings wont   ・He was wont to rise at dawn.  ・use and ―  ・as is one's ― 178 wrath  ・wrath of God  ・the grapes of ―  ・be in ―  ・Are you ill? You look like the ― of God. cripple  ・cripple a plan  ・― the sea power of 〜  ・―s of the war  ・be ―d with rheumatism dusk   ・dusk dark  ・from dawn till ―  ・at ―  ・after ―  ・in the ― of the room notwithstanding   ・He bought the car notwithstanding (that) the price was very expensive. swarm   ・swarm of ants  ・― the streets to protest  ・Pupils swarmed out of the classroom. swell   ・swell guy  ・― of the sea  ・The buds were beginning to ―.  ・The music ―ed. 179 friar   ・friar's lantern hostility   ・show hostility to a person  ・the termination of hostilities hue   ・― and cry  ・pale hues  ・a garment of a violent ―  ・politicians of every ― provision  ・general ―s  ・public ― for the poor  ・an educational ―  ・make ― for the future        ・a shortage of canned provisions  ・― a ship for three months prudence   ・prudence policy  ・慎重(性)、思慮、分別、細心、抜目なさ、つつましいこと 180 grin  ・― amiably  ・― at a person with delight  ・The dog ―ed at her.  ・He ―ed his teeth in pain. wretched   ・wretched harvest  ・― jokes  ・― composition  ・I'm ― you are going. yonder   ・yonder hill  ・― hill  ・Look ―. lurk   ・lurk at the root of 〜  ・a ―ing place  ・guerrillas ―ing in the mountains 181 overhear   ・overhear using another language  ・I accidentally overheard what they were saying. rustle   ・rustle in the wind  ・―ing leaves  ・― around and see what you can find. vow   ・vow eternal love  ・marriage ―s  ・― of secrecy prudent   ・prudent decision  ・a ― politician  ・― investment braille   ・braille letters  ・― library  ・― typewriter dieback ・寒枯れ、胴枯れ、立枯れ 182 frown   ・frown in disapproval  ・― of bewilderment  ・― on someone's plan fury   ・fury of the storm  ・in a ― hush   ・hush a baby to sleep  ・― before a storm  ・― money  ・― up lust   ・lust after riches  ・― for fame mutter   ・mutter against 〜  ・― to oneself  ・the ― of the engine spore ・因子、芽胞、胞子、胚種 treason   ・― against the king  ・― felony ★★★★★★ END ★★★★★★