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2019-01 06/02  Pre 1 G
D-3 B  The Uncertainties of Celiac Disease
 It seems unlikely that wartime circumstances would help solve a medical mystery, but that is what happened during World War II. Before the war, a Dutch doctor had been observing a puzzling condition in which local children with apparently healthy eating habits were unable to absorb nutrition from their food. They were losing weight and experiencing digestive problems. Then, in the winter of 1944, the German army cut off food supplies to the Netherlands. Thousands of Dutch citizens, left with little to eat but grass and tulip bulbs, died of starvation. Many children who had been sick from the mysterious disease, however, saw their symptoms improve dramatically. When bread was reintroduced to Dutch diets, the children got sick again. The connection was clear: something in the children's normal diet specifically in the staple food of bread was causing serious health problems.

 2019-01 06/02  2 G
 D-3 C  Counting Every Citizen
 In recent decades, India has been experiencing very rapid economic growth. Yet, while the country as a whole has grown much wealthier, it still has more poor people than any other country in the world. It is difficult to say exactly how many poor people there are in India, but many experts agree that around a third of the population suffers from poverty. Although the Indian government has many programs designed to help these people, many people still do not receive the financial support they need. The national government believes one reason is that local officials sometimes steal this money.