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Academy Awards (n.)
- an award ceremony that celebrates and awards actors, actresses, directors, producers, and other people who make movies

Example: My mom always watches the Academy Awards on television. She hasn't missed one yet.

Oscars (n.)
- the Academy Awards; an Oscar is an award that is given at the Academy Awards ceremony

Example: We always have a few people over for dinner to watch the Oscars.

overly (adv.)
- more than necessary; too much

Example: That chicken was too overly cooked. It was so dry I couldn't eat it.

tear to my eye (expression)
- the feeling you have when someone or something makes you feel sad

Example: That movie brough a tear to my eye. It was avery emotional, sad movie.

overwhelmed (v.)
- overpowered, given more than one is prepared for

Example: I was overwhelmed when I found out I could graduate next month from college.

tux (n.)
- tuxedo; a formal suit with a bow tie

Example: The first time I wore a tux, it was at our high school prom.

braces (n.)
- metal brackets to help straighten teeth

Example: Lucy had to wear braces for four years. She wasn't very happy about that.

clean-cut guy (expression)
- a man who usually shaves every day, has short hair, and dresses nice

Example: My brother is a clean-cut guy. He wears really nice clothes and wears cologne.

cool (adj.)
- good, fun, nice

Example: Your new apartment is cool! I really like it.

fell in love (expression)
- adored, enjoyed, liked a lot, loved

Example: I fell in love with the puppy the moment it jumped in my arms.

Welcome to English, baby!