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following (adj.)
- next, upcoming

Example: The following are what you'll need for the trip: a sleeping bag, a tent and food.

couple (n.)
- two

Example: I've been to England a couple of times. The first was in 1996 and the second was last year.

put my plans together (expression)
- organize my plans, decide what to do

Example: On Thursday I'll put my plans together for the weekend.

kinda (adv.)
- a little

Example: I kinda liked that movie, but it was slow at the end.

vote (v.)
- choose which is best, choose which you like

Example: Let's all vote on where to eat tonight.

cheap (adj.)
- not expensive, not costing very much

Example: I stayed at a cheap hotel last night to save money for today.

taste (n.)
- what you like, what you prefer

Example: Her taste in clothes is very strange, but I like it.

Science Fair (n.)
- a fair where people do science experiments and then display the results

Example: I have to finish my experiment for the Science Fair this weekend.

costume party (n.)
- a party where you dress as something, a party where you wear a costume

Example: I'm having a costume party this Halloween so dress as something scary.

project (n.)
- a job, something you work on

Example: I'm working on a new project at work and it's very difficult.

exploding (v.)
- blowing up, erupting

Example: When something is exploding it's best to be very far away.

sophisticated (adj.)
- formal and high class

Example: This will be a sophisticated event, so wear your best suit and tie.

Welcome to English, baby!